It is most important that you take care of your health before anything else. You should obtain whatever needed treatment after an accident right away. This is both for your quick recovery benefit and for the benefit of any potential case you may have.
However, most people do not know which doctors they should go to or have the ability to afford the costs of treatment services due to the unexpected nature of their injury. The Shandon Phan Law Firm maintains professional relationships with a wide network of quality and reliable medical service providers who can accept patient referrals and provide treatment on Letter of Protection arrangement with our firm, meaning that patients referred and protected by our firm will not pay for treatment until we obtain compensation.
Many people think that the at fault party will be the one taking care of medical bills as treatment needs arise- but if you do that, you could be waiting a while. It takes time to get a case initiated and to be settled, and likely longer if a law suit is warranted, so be sure that you get medical treatment right away. If you need immediate assistance, please call 281-407-5622 to schedule a consultation appointment with our attorney at no cost to you.
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